I felt a cleansing coming over me,
Release of a forgotten roar.
Where I arrived seemed familiar,
But swimming was I no more.
Ashore was not climactic,
Nor congratulatory.
I imagined something more boastful,
As it held the piece long sought for.
My first breath became pierced,
By welcomed drops of rain.
I smiled, then laughed,
At all I gained through pain.
I turned to admire the crashing waves of sea,
Waving goodbye,
And thanking them,
For simply teaching me.
Surviving wicked storms,
And treacherous beasts,
I would do it all again,
To reach this newfound peace.
An unannounced arrival,
Acceptance, I’ve heard it called,
Only meets you face-to-face
If you allow yourself to fall.
So instead of fearing drowning,
Or a violent attack,
What if something more terrifying happens?
Such as happiness.
How about that?